You’ve traveled to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to once and for all decipher Verse 8 (Image 10).

The puzzle is part of a nationwide Secret Treasure Hunt dating back to 1982. Comprised of clues based on the city’s local history and immigration story, the wonderstone’s hearth has evaded treasure hunters for decades!
Your journey begins at the east end of the old Ravine Road. You cross the road and walk south toward the Grand Staircase. Ascending its “92 stairs,” you are presented with a choice at the top: You must decide whether to turn left and walk south towards the North Point Lighthouse or to turn right and walk north, past the old city lamppost, towards the Lake Park Footbridge.
In which direction do you choose to turn?
What happens next? How does the Milwaukee immigration story end? It depends on the choices you make. As an added bonus, connections are made to other city puzzles and solutions are shared for other city clues at the end of Milwaukee’s clearly laid out Step-By-Step Solve. No details are spared. You will soon find out why, for more than four decades, Secret Treasure Hunters have gotten so captured by the game!
The Rhine Maiden’s Voyage:
More Than Just A Treasure Hunt!
Over the past 200 years, the city of Milwaukee has been given an assortment of nicknames: “Cream City,” “Brew City,” “Machine Shop of the World,” and “The German Athens of America,” to name a few.
What was it that attracted so many European settlers to the emerging midwestern port town on the western banks of Lake Michigan–the city we now know as Milwaukee, Wisconsin?
This is Milwaukee’s Best Kept Secret!
At the same time, the “City of Immigrants” was experiencing something else unique. Whether you’re religious, spiritual, superstitious, or just fascinated by naturally occurring patterns, one cannot help but notice how important the number three has been throughout Milwaukee’s history.
From rivers, to city founders, to Socialist mayors–people and places have occurred, reoccurred and occurred once more, just like the Law of Return. Milwaukee’s Best Kept Secret gives you a taste of what makes one of the country’s “biggest small towns” so unique.
Most importantly, this information dense account takes you along every step leading to the “City of Immigrants’” buried treasure. Arguably one of The Secret’s most difficult puzzles to solve, discover where Milwaukee’s casque has been hidden in plain sight for more than 40 years!
What is The Secret a Treasure Hunt by Byron Preiss? Here is a great resource to discover more:
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